PARENT VOLUNTEERS (One time, 1-3 hours, Thursday, August 18th from 9am – 12 pm)
While your student checks in at Spartan Open House (Spartan Spree) come help us prepare a show of teacher appreciation.


Restaurant Night Coordinator (1 Year commitment, a couple of hours per month) One of our major sources of funds comes from restaurant nights. Local restaurants agree to give us a portion of their proceeds for a particular day/night. The Restaurant Night Co ordinator will simply work with the existing list of enthusiastic restaurant managers to schedule our dates and times and work with our communications committee to promote them.

Think you’re interested in this important role or want a bit more information? Contact Laura Whitton at wshsptsa@gmail.com.

Community Education Coordinator (1 Year commitment, 2 events, a couple of hours per month) Our kids are stronger and safer and our community is richer when we learn together. The Community Education Coordinator would work with the Executive Board to help identify and coordinate topics and speakers for 2 to 3 events. Some suggested topics: digital/social media safety, mental health, growth mindset, etc. You would be supported by the Communications and Events committees.

Think you’re interested in this important role or want a bit more information? Contact Laura Whitton at wshsptsa@gmail.com.

Teacher Appreciation Coordinator (1 Year commitment, flexible involvement depending on your ambitions) Help create and implement ways to show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them. We are looking for someone to join the board who will focus on the small ways and big ways we can support and show appreciation for teachers and staff. You will have budget support and help to recruit volunteers.

Think you’re interested in this important role or want a bit more information? Contact Laura Whitton at wshsptsa@gmail.com.

  • Milano’s Fundraiser – March 11
    Dine at Milano’s and support the PTSA! Tuesday, March 11 from 4:00-9:00 pm.
  • Applications for WSHS PTSA Scholarship for Success (SFS) now open!
    Applications for WSHS PTSA Scholarship for Success (SFS) now open! Purpose: The West Springfield High School PTSA offers a scholarship to at least one WSHS senior (sometimes more) who has had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for at least two of their four years in high school, and who has overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or other school-related success. The amount and number of scholarships is determined by the annual PTSA budget. Last year multiple awards of $500 were offered. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize the growth that a student has achieved… Read more: Applications for WSHS PTSA Scholarship for Success (SFS) now open!
  • McAlister’s Fundraiser – January 21
    Dine at McAlister’s and support the PTSA! Tuesday, January 21 from 2:00-8:00 pm. For online orders, use promo code CHARITEA.
  • Practice SAT – Feb. 1
    Saturday, Feb. 1, 9am (If you can’t make it on Feb. 1, e-mail us and we can try to work something out) Visit the PTSA store to sign up! Just to be clear: you can join the PTSA first at the same site, and then sign up for the practice test at the lower price! Membership has its benefits! This is a PTSA fundraiser: all funds go to the PTSA. Questions? e-mail us at wshsptsa@gmail.com
  • Yindee Thai Fundraiser Nov. 17 – 23
    Dine at Yindee Thai and support the PTSA! Sunday, November 17 – Saturday, November 23 lunch and dinner. In order for the PTSA to get credit for online orders, you must use this link: https://order.chownow.com/order/35129/locations/53145?cn_channel=cn_website
  • PTA Reflections Program
    WSHS PTSA is participating in the National PTSA’s Reflections Art Program. WSHS students are invited to submit arts creations in various categories: Dance choreography, Film production, Literature, Music composition, Photography, Visual Arts. See the Reflections page for full details.
  • SEPTA IEP Palooza Saturday, November 16
    Please join SEPTA for our second IEP Palooza on Saturday, November 16th from 9:00am-12:30pm at Luther Jackson Middle School! REGISTER HERE: www.tinyurl.com/SEPTAIEPPalooza2024 The event will include a simulated IEP meeting (with narration to draw attention to specific points), breakout sessions explaining the various parts of the IEP, and a resource fair to learn about community supports. Each breakout room will be hosted by a SEPTA board member and Fairfax County Public Schools staff member presenting as a team. We are thrilled that Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) will also join us to host two sessions in Spanish! This event… Read more: SEPTA IEP Palooza Saturday, November 16
  • Stock the Breakroom – October 25
    The PTSA needs snack, coffee, drink donations AND Volunteers to help sort, deliver, and distribute items to the breakrooms. You can order on Amazon and they will ship directly to our teacher appreciation chairs. All Orders should be delivered no later than THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24TH. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR AMAZING WSHS TEACHERS AND STAFF!
  • Asian Grill Restaurant Night October 21-22
    Join us October 21 and 22 (Mon/Tues) for a Restaurant Night at Asian Grill to support the WSHS PTSA. Dine-in or carry-out from 5:00-9:00pm. 6228 Rolling Road, Springfield VA https://www.asiangrillspringfield.com 15% of all proceeds will go to the WSHS PTSA MAKE SURE TO SIGN THE SHEET WITH YOUR ORDER AMOUNT
  • Social gathering Friday 10/11 5pm-6:30pm
    Join us Friday, October 11 from 5:00-6:30 at Locals Tacos and Tequila for a PTSA social. No agenda, just a chance to meet and talk with other WSHS parents. You don’t have to be a PTSA member to join us (but if you’d like to join, click here). Hope to see you there!
  • Social gathering Monday 8/26 5pm-6:30pm
    The PTSA is sponsoring an in-person social next Monday (8/26) 5pm-6:30pm at the Outdoor Classroom near Door #2:  New to WSHS?  Been here but willing to share your experience with others?  Just want to meet some other parents or catch up with friends?  This is a chance for parents to get together in person for informal chats.  No agenda.  You don’t have to be a PTSA member.  You can just drop in and don’t have to stay the whole time. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome as well! [If it’s too hot or rainy we’ll head inside – we’ll post a sign… Read more: Social gathering Monday 8/26 5pm-6:30pm
  • Nominees announced for PTSA Board Elections
    The PTSA’s Nominating Committee reports that the following individuals have been nominated for board positions: Office Nominee President Richard Ewell 1st Vice President Adriana Llosa  2nd Vice President  [no nominations received]   Treasurer Debbie Gaydos   Secretary Danielle Boykin Our elections will be held during our membership meeting on Tuesday, June 4 at 7:30pm. All PTSA members are eligible to vote. If you are interested in the 2nd VP position, please e-mail the Nominating Committee at nominating@wshsptsa.net or contact Richard at wshsptsa@gmail.com.
  • WSHS PTSA Elections – Nominees needed!
    [The following message is from our PTSA Nominating Committee] It is officially the time of year when the WSHSPTSA takes nominations for our Officer positions for the 2024-2025 school year. There are several positions seeking nominations: 1) President 2) 1st vice president 3) 2nd vice president 4) Treasurer 5) Secretary A list of the duties and the persons currently serving in these roles can be fund here: https://wshsptsa.net/about/committee/ It is our hope that the WSHSPTSA continues to grow. So please consider serving in one of the Officer positions. You may send an e-mail to nominating@wshsptsa.net with the following information: 1) Name; 2) Contact… Read more: WSHS PTSA Elections – Nominees needed!
  • PTSA fundraising week with Jersey Mike’s: April 8 – 14
    From Monday, April 8 through Sunday, April 14, the PTSA will be partnering with Jersey Mike’s to provide discounted meals that raise money for the PTSA. This is a different type of fundraiser that works this way: each time you use one of the coupons below (1 per visit), Jersey Mike’s will donate $2 to the WSHS PTSA. So go early and often, and tell your friends! The coupons were created specifically for this fundraiser and are only valid for this one week, but we can share them with whomever we want and as much as we want, so please… Read more: PTSA fundraising week with Jersey Mike’s: April 8 – 14
  • PTSA Scholarship for Success Applications Open; due April 5, 2024
    The PTSA is now accepting applications for its 2024 Scholarship for Success. For more information and a link to the application, please visit: Scholarships (UPDATED March 4, 2024) – WSHS PTSA Purpose: The West Springfield High School PTSA offers scholarships to WSHS seniors who have had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for at least two of their four years in high school, and who have overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or other school-related success. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize the growth that a student has achieved through his/her high school career. The… Read more: PTSA Scholarship for Success Applications Open; due April 5, 2024
  • Yindee Thai fundraiser Wed. Jan. 31 & Thurs. Feb. 1 (11am – 8:30pm)
    This Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1: dine at Yindee Thai to support the PTSA! That’s right:  TWO DAYS and the fundraiser is valid for lunch AND dinner! In order for the PTSA to get credit for online orders, you must use this link: https://www.chownow.com/order/35129/locations/53145  Yindee Thai is located at 8412 Old Keene Mill Rd., in the plaza near Walgreens.
  • Practice SAT Feb. 3 (discount for PTSA members!)
    The PTSA has again partnered with the Princeton Review to offer an online Practice SAT on Feb. 3 When: Saturday, Feb. 3, 9am (If you can’t make it on Feb. 3, e-mail us and we can try to work something out) Visit the PTSA store to sign up! Just to be clear: you can join the PTSA first, and then sign up at the lower price! This is a PTSA fundraiser: all funds go to the PTSA. Questions: e-mail us at wshsptsa@gmail.com
  • PTSA Fundraiser: District Taco (Wed., Dec. 13)
    Come check out District Taco’s new Springfield store in the Old Keene Mill plaza (the shopping center with Walgreens, Duck Donuts, Jersey Mikes, etc.) while contributing to the WSHS PTSA! Whether you order in person or online, please make sure that you tell them that you’re there to support the PTSA so that we get credit! Any questions? Please e-mail us at fundraising@wshsptsa.net Restaurant nights are the PTSA’s main source of fundraising: get something you enjoy while helping the PTSA! But we need your help to make this successful!
  • Help us recognize a WSHS teacher or staff member for excellence by Nov. 3!
    Please see the message below from Mr. Thorson. We also encourage you to let the PTSA know if you are nominating someone because we might be able to share that and gather additional letters of support from other PTSA members. You can e-mail that info if you wish (totally optional) to wshsptsa@gmail.com Outstanding Employee Awards Nominations are now open for the Outstanding Employee Awards! To submit a nomination for a West Springfield High School Outstanding Employee in one of the categories below, please complete the nomination through this Google form link. You may nominate one employee at our school or multiple employees (one… Read more: Help us recognize a WSHS teacher or staff member for excellence by Nov. 3!
  • Stock the WSHS breakrooms Oct. 23rd!
    When: Monday, October 23rd What: We need snack, coffee, and drink donations AND volunteers to help sort, deliver, and distribute items to the breakrooms on the 23rd. You can order snacks on Amazon and they will ship directly to our teacher appreciation chair. All items need to be delivered by the morning of Monday, Oct. 23 (unless you’re bringing them to the school that afternoon). Please click to view the Amazon wishlist here You don’t have to use Amazon — we just provide the wishlist for convenience. You can buy things elsewhere and drop them off in the donation box at XXXX , SPRINGFIELD, VA,… Read more: Stock the WSHS breakrooms Oct. 23rd!
  • PTSA fundraiser: Rice & Spice Thai this Wednesday & Thursday!
    Please help support the PTSA while enjoying some great Thai food from a restaurant owned by a WSHS alumni parent! This Wednesday & Thursday, Sept. 27 and 28. Pickup from WSHS available on Thursday, Sept. 28 at 7pm!
  • Now accepting applications for Scholarship for Success
    The West Springfield High School PTSA offers a scholarship to a WSHS senior who has had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for at least two of their four years in high school, and who has overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or other school-related success. The number of scholarships is determined by the annual budget. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize the growth that a student has achieved throughout his/her high school career. Applications Due: Friday, April 14, 2023 by 8 pm For additional information and the application, please visit the PTSA Scholarships page
  • Fundraiser Tues. Dec. 13 – Malek’s Pizza Palace
    Order from Malek’s on Tuesday, December 13, from 4pm-9pm for pizza, gyros, souvlaki, baklava and all the delicious fare their menu has to offer: www.malekspizza.com Carry-out and Delivery orders qualify! 15% of your purchase comes back to the PTSA!  Restaurant fundraisers are the PTSA’s main source of income, so please order a lot while supporting a local business! Remember to mention WSHS PTSA so that we get credit for your order! We can’t wait to see you there! Where: Malek’s Pizza Palace, 7118 Old Keene Mill Rd. Springfield, VA 22150 (Across Old Keene Mill from Garfield Elementary School) Phone: 703-451-6969
  • Stock the Breakrooms & Help us get a $1000 grant!
    Help us show our teachers & staff how much we care AND earn a $1000 grant for Teacher Appreciation Week: Stock the Break Rooms! One of our major PTSA goals this year is to ‘Stock the Break Rooms!’; part of our teacher appreciation initiative. You can help us reach our goal by signing up for our new givebacks program, where our over 25,000 local and national businesses will donate to our PTSA when you shop with them. And you’ll get cashback too! Givebacks will send us an extra $1000 if we can get 100 parents to participate in the next… Read more: Stock the Breakrooms & Help us get a $1000 grant!
  • Public Comment Opportunity
    Message from Virginia PTSA, Sept 20, 2022 VDOE continues to implement the History and Social Science Standards of Learning, Overview of the Review and Revision Process. Virginia PTA has been actively engaged with the Virginia Department of Education from the earliest stages of this process and encourages members to contribute to public comment on the proposed standards. Public comment on the standards will be accepted until September 25, 2022. The proposed standards can be found here: https://doe.virginia.gov/boe/meetings/2022/08-aug/item-g-attachment-a.pdf Individuals can visit the History and Social Sciences SOL page (https://doe.virginia.gov/testing/sol/standards_docs/history_socialscience/index.shtml) to leave public comment. Each set of standards is listed by grade… Read more: Public Comment Opportunity
  • Restaurant Nights at Asian Grille 9/19 and 9/21
    Please support the PTSA fundraiser at the Asian Grille for TWO NIGHTS: Monday Sept. 19 and Wednesday Sept. 21. You can order at https://www.asiangrillspringfield.com/ Please mention WSHS PTSA!
  • First Membership Meeting
    Tuesday, September 137:30 PM via Zoom. Please register here to receive the link. We’ll make quick work of some start-of-year PTSA business, hear from Principal Mukai, then Leah Conte (Director of Student Activities) and Sam Jonsson (Assistant Director of Student Activities/Student Government Advisor) will be speaking with us about ways for students to get involved with clubs and activities at the school. They’ll share important resources, offer some tips for families, and be available for questions.
  • 2022-23 Volunteers Needed
    CURRENT NEEDS: _____________________________________________________________________ Restaurant Spirit Night Coordinator (1 Year commitment, a couple of hours per month) One of our major sources of funds comes from restaurant nights. Local restaurants agree to give us a portion of their proceeds for a particular day/night. The Restaurant Night Co ordinator will simply work with the existing list of enthusiastic restaurant managers to schedule our dates and times and work with our communications committee to promote them. Think you’re interested in this important role or want a bit more information? Contact Laura Whitton at wshsptsa@gmail.com. Community Education Coordinator (1 Year commitment, 2 events, a… Read more: 2022-23 Volunteers Needed
  • Ice Cream Social for Students and Teachers Thursday, June 9 from 11am-1pm
    The PTSA will be providing a second annual social for students and teachers to enjoy a cool treat while socializing in celebration of the end of the school year! Come down to the concession stand in the athletic fields. We could also use some help handing out the ice cream. Parents and students are invited to volunteer using our Sign-Up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0444A5AB2AABFB6-ptsa Please e-mail us at wshsptsa@gmail.com if you have any questions.
  • PTSA Awards Scholarships to 4 seniors
    The PTSA has awarded 2 sets of scholarships to a total of 4 graduating seniors. Each scholarship recipient will receive $500. Spartan Scholarship The PTSA offers scholarships each year to WSHS graduating seniors who are PTSA members to recognize outstanding leadership, school spirit, community service, academic achievement, and a high level of involvement in extracurricular activities.  2022 Recipients: Corinne Alonzo and Alyssa Maldonado Scholarship for Success The PTSA provides its Scholarship for Success award to WSHS seniors who are members of the PTSA and have had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for at least two of their four years in… Read more: PTSA Awards Scholarships to 4 seniors
  • Laura Whitton elected new PTSA President
    The PTSA held elections on May 10 for new officers. Two new officers have joined the Board: Laura Whitton was elected President, and Meredith Stankiewicz will be the new Secretary. Maggie Ewell returns as VP2, and Richard Ewell is switching from President to Treasurer. We are still looking for a VP1, so please contact us if you are interested!
  • PTSA Scholarship Applications available
    The PTSA awards two types of scholarships: the Scholarship for Success for students with an IEP who have overcome obstacles, and a Spartan Scholarship for students who have made an impact on the school community. Applications for those scholarships are due by 8pm on Monday, May 2nd. Note that this year we are not requiring a letter of recommendation for either scholarship, but a transcript is required for the Spartan Scholarship to verify a G.P.A. of 2.5 or above. For additional information about these scholarships and the application forms, please view our Scholarships page at https://wshsptsa.net/programs/scholarships/
  • Virtual Practice SAT on April 23 (9am – 1pm)
    Click here to register via our MemberHub site. Registration is free for WSHS PTSA members and $15 for others. There are two options for you to select: one “button” for PTSA members, and one for non-members. If you are not already a member, just sign up now and then you can sign up for the free version of the practice test. The options for joining the PTSA are separate “buttons” on the Memberhub site. (All funds raised will go to WSHS PTSA) NOTE: If you are interested in taking the practice test but unable to do so on that day… Read more: Virtual Practice SAT on April 23 (9am – 1pm)
  • Membership meeting Tuesday March 15 at 7:30pm
    Please join us for a virtual membership meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:30. Special guest Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity will join us to provide an update on Fairfax County Board of Supervisors activity. The PTSA will also select a nominating committee to help identify candidates to run for officer positions for the 2022-23 school year. Please use the link below to register for a link to the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvcuypqTMiHdPpzz273pQKLvc3d5VFko5e
  • Ledo Pizza Fundraiser Tues. Feb. 22 5pm-9pm
    Please help support the WSHS PTSA by joining us at Ledos. Ordering online? You must use the code: 306-159-855 https://order.ledopizza.com/menu/ledo-pizza-west-springfield Ordering in person? Make sure you share the flier below:
  • February Membership Meeting 2/15 at 7:30pm
    WSHS Career Counselor Tisa Frederick has re-scheduled to be able to join us this meeting to provide information about preparing for college or post-graduate careers. The registration link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudu2srzktE9F6LTbOHx59HOYpC10_bdtZ We also have several important documents up for membership approval: Bylaws, organizational document, and audit report. All of those documents are available for review on the main PTSA page at www.wshsptsa.net
  • Bring teachers and staff some mid-winter cheer (due Tuesday Feb. 1st)
    FOOD! – FUN! – FEBRUARY! It’s time to warm up the break rooms at WSHS with snacks, sweet treats, coffee, teas and more. We have almost 300 teachers and staff that we will be providing food for so let’s work together to fill it up! Please sign up HERE or for simply order from our Amazon WISH LIST.  FOOD! – FUN! – FEBRUARY! will take place on Thurs, Feb 3 and Fri, Feb 4th.   All FOOD! – FUN! – FEBRUARY!  items will need to be delivered to us by Tues, Feb 1st to allow time for organization and distribution The teachers and staff LOVED when we filled the break rooms last year so let’s do… Read more: Bring teachers and staff some mid-winter cheer (due Tuesday Feb. 1st)
  • PTSA membership meeting rescheduled for Jan. 25
    The meeting originally scheduled for Jan. 11 was rescheduled for Jan. 25 Please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsd-6hpz8qGtNgR89PHzUgVdqgm7UUNZyR to join us for this virtual meeting. We will be joined by Tisa Frederick to provide information about preparing for college or post-graduate careers. This is for all age groups because it’s never too early to start preparing!
  • Chipotle fundraiser Wed. Jan. 19
    Please help support the WSHS PTSA’s Chipotle fundraiser (see English and Spanish versions below): Three important notes: (1) This is only at the Chipotle on Rolling Rd. (nearest the high school); (2) if you order in person, you must show the flyer below; (3) if you order online, you must use the code on the flyer at the time you input your order: DF4EFHB (you can’t just show the flyer when you show up to pick up the food). You enter the code in “Promo Code,” then select “Apply” and it should automatically replace the code with the word “Fundraiser.”… Read more: Chipotle fundraiser Wed. Jan. 19
  • PTSA adds Instagram & Twitter
    The PTSA is adding new ways for you to learn about PTSA event and info:    Instagram:  @SpartanPTSA Follow us at West Springfield HS PTSA (@spartanptsa)  Twitter: @SpartanPTSA  Follow us at https://twitter.com/SpartanPTSA 
  • PTSA two-night fundraiser at Asian Grill: Dec. 13 & 14
    Save your time for holiday preparations: support the PTSA while taking care of your family dinner! https://www.asiangrillspringfield.com/ And don’t worry: while our fundraiser at the Asian Grille earlier this year was so popular that there ended up being some wait times, this time they have taken extra steps to be prepared for another outpouring of community support!
  • Bites By Sam pie fundraiser – order by Nov. 18
    Bites by Sam is a WSHS grad-owned small business that offers sweet and savory pies and cookies. As a fundraiser for the PTSA, Bites By Sam has offered to take orders and provide a bulk-pickup at WSHS on Tuesday, Nov. 22 (you must order by Nov. 18). The menu is available at https://bitesbysam.square.site/ Please note that there are different size pie options: individual 4 inch or larger 9 inch
  • Milano’s restaurant PTSA fundraiser Tues. Oct. 19
    Tuesday, Oct. 19 www.milanosfamilyrestaurant.com
  • National PTA Exec. Director to Provide Update at our WSHS PTSA Membership Meeting Tuesday Sept. 14
    We have a full agenda, which will be highlighted by a visit from National PTA Exec. Director Nathan Monell. See the bottom left of our home page for the agenda and other documents for this meeting.
  • PTSA Membership Meeting Tuesday Sept. 14 t 7:30pm
    Please join us for our first PTSA meeting of the year. This meeting will be virtual. Use the link below to register to attend the meeting. Once you register you will receive a link to the Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctc-uspjMrG9RPXIFSpcpIkHTBV8Q1s1fz At the meeting we will present a budget for approval and have a parent-to-parent Q&A session. The agenda and other documents up for approval our posted on our website at www.wshsptsa.net
  • PTSA Paisano’s Pizza fundraiser Tuesday, Sept. 14, lunch to 9pm
    See menu at www.paisanospizza.com
  • Q&A moved into first PTA membership meeting
    The Q&A session originally scheduled for Thursday, September 9, will be rolled into our membership meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 14.
  • WSHS Parent-to-Parent Q&A Thursday Sept. 9 at 8pm (students welcome) [Cancelled: will be rolled into membership meeting on Sept. 14]
    The PTSA is holding an informal virtual opportunity for parents and students to ask questions to other parents about WSHS. We’ll provide a few tips for things for parents and students to pay attention to, and then open it up for questions. After the meeting we will post some of the questions and answers on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/West-Springfield-High-School-PTSA-114572843800821 and our website to help those who couldn’t make the meeting.
  • PTSA Fundraiser – Asian Grill Aug. 25
    Please help kick off the PTSA fundraising for the year by joining us for a restaurant night fundraiser on Wednesday, Aug. 25 from 5-9pm! https://asiangrill88.com/
  • Congratulations to retiring WSHS staff!
    The PTSA wishes the following faculty and staff a happy and well-deserved retirement: Alana Adams, SPED Mary Halfhill, Student Services Aleida Goetchius, Student Services Billy Langloh, Security Laura Goodman, English Dr. Janet Hughes, Science
  • Officers elected for 2021-2022
    The following officers were elected at the June membership meeting on June 8: President – Richard Ewell (re-elected) VP1 – Lauren Williams VP2 – Maggie Ewell (re-elected) Treasurer – Kristina Swatek (re-elected) Secretary – April Duncan (re-elected) Committee chair positions will be selected by the officers shortly.
  • PTSA Elections Meeting June 8 (includes panel for rising 9th grade parents)
    The WSHS PTSA will hold its elections for officers on Tuesday, June 8 from 7:30pm to 8:30. The link to register for the Zoom meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkf-itpzIqEtBorVkTx4KK4PIsfAD5oY6i Following the elections and other business, there will be a panel discussion of the transition from middle school to West Springfield HS. Parents of rising 9th graders are invited to attend! The agenda for the meeting is available at https://wshsptsa.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/PTSA-Meeting-Agenda-6-8-21.pdf
  • WSHS PTSA announces 2021 scholarship winners!
    The West Springfield High School PTSA is pleased to announce the scholarship winners for 2021.  The winners were selected after a careful review by a PTSA scholarship committee of 7 or 8 people (one was recused for consideration of one scholarship). The Scholarship for Success is awarded to recognize a senior who has overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or social success and to recognize the growth the student has achieved through his or her high school career.  The students who applied for the Scholarship for Success were truly amazing and all are to be congratulated and proud of… Read more: WSHS PTSA announces 2021 scholarship winners!
  • PTSA Meeting Tuesday, May 11 at 7:30pm
    How can WSHS students improve their college prospects, develop job skills and build their resumes this summer during pandemic times?   Join special Guest Steven Myers, FCPS Service Learning Resource Teacher (and former WSHS counselor!) for an overview of the FCPS Service Learning program, summer internships and other work-based learning opportunities, and an update on general volunteer opportunities for students. Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctcuCorD8iGNStnnJn7dbn895btfeLRiHI
  • Teacher Appreciation Week: Help Needed
    Teacher Appreciation Week:  Help Needed! The PTSA of WSHS will be showing gratitude and appreciation for ALL the teachers and staff at our awesome high school.  We strive to recognize ALL TEACHERS AND STAFF as they have given so much effort to teach and guide our students. What can you do? We need parents and community members to donate individually prepared snacks and beverages. Please sign up to donate. THANK YOU!!! Sign Up Genius https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0549AAAA23A2FA7-stock  Amazon Wish List https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1LWHOWRZ8SLQE?ref_=wl_share
  • Asian Grill Fundraiser Thursday 4/29
    Questions? Contact Jenna Barron at fundraising@wshsptsa.net
  • Call for Nominating Committee Members
    We need at least 3 volunteers to form a nominating committee in preparation for elections later this spring. If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please contact Richard Ewell at wshsptsa@gmail.com The nominating committee will be elected at the April 11, 2021 membership meeting. Nominations for the Nominating Committee will be accepted from the floor at that time. Because the nominating committee handles the nomination of people for officer positions, you should not serve on the nominating committee if you intend to run for one of the officer positions. Below is an excerpt from Article 6, Section… Read more: Call for Nominating Committee Members
  • Draft Bylaws for consideration at May membership meeting
    The WSHS PTSA Bylaws were last approved in 2016 and need to be renewed this year. Therefore VP2 Maggie Ewell formed a bylaws committee comprised of Secretary April Duncan and VP1 Tricia Martin. The committee took the Virginia state PTA (VAPTA) bylaws template for local councils, which was last updated in 2020, and used that to draft new bylaws.  In general, the VAPTA requires local units to follow the template and only deviate in a few areas where discretion is allowed.   The draft bylaws are available for review at the link below.  Maggie has included comment bubbles explaining where those… Read more: Draft Bylaws for consideration at May membership meeting
  • Bites by Sam PTSA fundraiser – order by March 16
    Order by the end of the day on Tuesday, March 16 for pickup at WSHS on Thursday, March 18. Click here to go the BitesBySam menu to order –
  • Post Secondary Planning presentation at PTSA meeting
    Presentation by Tisa S. Frederick, MPA, WSHS Career Center Specialist at WSHS PTSA membership meeting March 2, 2021
  • PTSA Membership Mtg. March 2 (7:30)
    Featured guest: Tisa S. Frederick, MPA, Career Center Specialist (WSHS) Topic: College preparation by grade level: what parents and students should be doing freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year Register in advance for this meeting: Register for the Zoom link at:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kfuqopjssGt2wBvHQDVwZV8Z5oZ0N6sih
  • Dr. Wiggington’s 3rd Period DE Government class is a camera connections winner!
    Another Lights, Cameras . . . Connections winner! Dr. Wiggington will receive a nominal gift from the PTSA because her 3rd period DE Government class had more than 8 kids turn on their cameras for a class. For more about this WSHS PTSA initiative to help our students feel more connected, see our Lights, Cameras . . . Connections page!
  • Milano’s PTSA Fundraiser Monday Feb. 22
    Dine-In or Carry-Out: 5:00-9:00 pm6230 Rolling Road, Springfield VAwww.milanosfamilyrestaurant.com For more info, see our flyer:
  • Lindsey 8th period math class: second Camera Connections winner!
    The second Lights, Cameras . . . Connections winner! Ms. Lindsey will receive a nominal gift from the PTSA because her 8th period math class had more than 8 kids turn on their cameras for a class. For more about this WSHS PTSA initiative to help our students feel more connected, see our Lights, Cameras . . . Connections page!
  • Kendrick ASL 3rd Period Class: first Camera Connections winner
    The first Lights, Cameras . . . Connections winner! Ms. Kendrick will receive a nominal gift from the PTSA because her class had more than 8 kids turn on their cameras for a class. For more about this WSHS PTSA initiative to help our students feel more connected, see our Lights, Cameras . . . Connections page!
  • SAT Virtual Practice Test March 6
    Registration is free for WSHS PTSA members and $15 for others. Click here to register via our MemberHub site. There are two options for you to select: one “button” for PTSA members, and one for non-members. Please note that you can also sign up to join the PTSA from the MemberHub site! (All funds raised will go to WSHS PTSA) If you have questions, please contact PTSA President Richard Ewell at wshsptsa@gmail.com
  • PTSA Membership Meeting Tues, Feb 9 at 7:30pm
    Register to receive the meeting Zoom link at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtfuGsqjwiGdDlo_QQ8zdEnvYdvOB2_nad Principal Mukai and some of his team will join us to discuss plans for the in-person school option for WSHS to start up in early March.  This is an opportunity to get more info and raise issues to help the school team prepare.
  • Restaurant Night Fundraiser Thurs, Jan 14, 2020
    Rice & Spice Thai Cuisine Restaurant Night WSHS PTSA is bringing the food to you! When: Thursday, January 14, 2020 Delivery to WSHS from 6:00-6:15 pm Where: Dine-In or Carry-Out: 5:00-9:00 pm6466 Landsdowne Center DriveAlexandria, VA 22315703-339-9775 Rice & Spice Restaurant website: www.ricespiceva.com 15% of all proceeds will go to the WSHS PTSA to support community-building student events. Please mention WSHS when placing your order and if you wish for it to be dropped off at the school.Orders to be delivered to the school need to be in no later than January 14 at noon. Procedure for Pick Up: •… Read more: Restaurant Night Fundraiser Thurs, Jan 14, 2020
  • PTSA Membership Meeting Tues, Jan 12 at 7:30pm
    PTSA Membership Meeting Tuesday, January 12 at 7:30pm – Update from School Board Rep. Laura Jane Cohen Note:  You must register for this meeting (register at any time, including after the meeting has started): https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqcuioqzgqGdVcGT3DVE1KO0TSuQ-z8YNN After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.If you run into any issues, e-mail registration@wshsptsa.net We apologize for this extra step, but hopefully it will help reduce outsider disruptions during the meeting.
  • WSHS Virtual PTSA Membership Meeting Dec. 15 (Tuesday), 7:30pm
    A short business meeting will be followed by a panel discussion: Keeping WSHS kids and families connected in a virtual world Join us for an interactive discussion sharing strategies, ideas, and resources for staying connected.  This discussion will be led by a panel of WSHS counselors and students. This event will be interactive, giving you the opportunity to ask questions and hear various perspectives from our community! 
  • New PTSA Officers Elected
    New PTSA Officers have been elected! President – Richard Ewell1st VP Programs – Tricia Martin2nd VP Policy & Procedures – Maggie EwellSecretary – April DuncanTreasurer – Kristina Swatek The new officers will be identifying committee chairs and other positions in the coming weeks.  If you are interested in helping with a PTSA committee or just helping generally, please e-mail Richard at wshsptsa@gmail.com Please stay tuned. We will be posting new announcements and information here shortly!
  • ANGP has a new website!
    The West Springfield HS All Night Grad Party has a new website with tickets available for purchase as well as other fundraisers posted. You can find more information at https://wshs-angp.square.site/