WSHS PTSA Elections – Nominees needed!

[The following message is from our PTSA Nominating Committee]

It is officially the time of year when the WSHSPTSA takes nominations for our Officer positions for the 2024-2025 school year. There are several positions seeking nominations:

1) President

2) 1st vice president

3) 2nd vice president

4) Treasurer

5) Secretary

A list of the duties and the persons currently serving in these roles can be fund here:

It is our hope that the WSHSPTSA continues to grow. So please consider serving in one of the Officer positions. You may send an e-mail to with the following information:

1) Name;

2) Contact info (email and/or phone number);

3) Officer Position for nomination; and

4) Any relevant information on why you are seeking this position.

Nominations close at 11:59pm on May 21, 2024.

The Nominating Committee will present its recommended slate of candidates and officers will be elected at the PTSA membership meeting on June 4, 2024. Nominations from the floor will be permitted.

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send them to the Nominating Committee at

We will be discussing the process at the next PTSA membership meeting May 14 , 2024 at 7:30.


The Nominating Committee

Nettia Banton, Chair

Hallie Neibauer

Thomas Hicks


PTSA fundraising week with Jersey Mike’s: April 8 – 14

From Monday, April 8 through Sunday, April 14, the PTSA will be partnering with Jersey Mike’s to provide discounted meals that raise money for the PTSA.

This is a different type of fundraiser that works this way: each time you use one of the coupons below (1 per visit), Jersey Mike’s will donate $2 to the WSHS PTSA. So go early and often, and tell your friends! The coupons were created specifically for this fundraiser and are only valid for this one week, but we can share them with whomever we want and as much as we want, so please feel free to share!

Questions? Contact

PTSA Scholarship for Success Applications Open; due April 5, 2024

The PTSA is now accepting applications for its 2024 Scholarship for Success. For more information and a link to the application, please visit: Scholarships (UPDATED March 4, 2024) – WSHS PTSA

Purpose: The West Springfield High School PTSA offers scholarships to WSHS seniors who have had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for at least two of their four years in high school, and who have overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or other school-related success. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize the growth that a student has achieved through his/her high school career. The number of scholarships is determined by the WSHS PTSA budget. The WSHS PTSA may award multiple scholarships this year.

Applications Due: Friday, April 05, 2024, by 8pm

Practice SAT Feb. 3 (discount for PTSA members!)

The PTSA has again partnered with the Princeton Review to offer an online Practice SAT on Feb. 3

Princeton Review

When: Saturday, Feb. 3, 9am (If you can’t make it on Feb. 3, e-mail us and we can try to work something out)

  • PTSA Member:$10 
  • Non-members: $20

Visit the PTSA store to sign up!

Just to be clear: you can join the PTSA first, and then sign up at the lower price!

This is a PTSA fundraiser: all funds go to the PTSA.

Questions: e-mail us at

PTSA Fundraiser: District Taco (Wed., Dec. 13)

Come check out District Taco’s new Springfield store in the Old Keene Mill plaza (the shopping center with Walgreens, Duck Donuts, Jersey Mikes, etc.) while contributing to the WSHS PTSA!

Whether you order in person or online, please make sure that you tell them that you’re there to support the PTSA so that we get credit!

Any questions? Please e-mail us at

Restaurant nights are the PTSA’s main source of fundraising: get something you enjoy while helping the PTSA! But we need your help to make this successful!

Help us recognize a WSHS teacher or staff member for excellence by Nov. 3!

Please see the message below from Mr. Thorson. We also encourage you to let the PTSA know if you are nominating someone because we might be able to share that and gather additional letters of support from other PTSA members. You can e-mail that info if you wish (totally optional) to

Outstanding Employee Awards

Nominations are now open for the Outstanding Employee Awards! To submit a nomination for a West Springfield High School Outstanding Employee in one of the categories below, please complete the nomination through this Google form link. You may nominate one employee at our school or multiple employees (one individual may only nominate one employee per category.)

All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category. The google form link has more information regarding the criteria for each of these awards and the eligibility requirements are below. 

Outstanding Teacher: Eligibility – Has at least three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district); librarians are included in this category

Outstanding New Teacher: Eligibility – Has up to three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district); librarians are included in this category

Outstanding Principal: Eligibility –  Has at least three years of experience as a building principal (in any school/school district) 

Outstanding Leader: Eligibility – At least one year of experience in their current position as a Schedule-C or School-Based Administrator scale employee (that is not the building principal): 

  • Common positions in this category: Assistant and Associate Principals, Director of Student Activities, Director of Student Services

Outstanding Professional Employee: Eligibility – At least one year experience in current position as a Schedule-B employee or other non-instructional employee in a school that supports school leadership 

  • Common positions in this category: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support Specialist, Assessment Coach, Career Center Specialist, Instructional Coach, Psychologist, Social Worker, School Counselor, Safety and Security Specialist, Resource Teachers that serve in an administrative role in a school 

Outstanding Operational Employee. Eligibility – At least one year of experience in current position as Schedule-A or Classroom Instructional Support Scale employee

  • Common positions in this category: Administrative and Office Staff, Safety and Security Assistant, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, IA, PHA, PHTA, All Family Liaisons

The deadline to submit a nomination is November 3. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. John Thorson  

Stock the WSHS breakrooms Oct. 23rd!

When: Monday, October 23rd

What: We need snack, coffee, and drink donations AND volunteers to help sort, deliver, and distribute items to the breakrooms on the 23rd.

You can order snacks on Amazon and they will ship directly to our teacher appreciation chair.

All items need to be delivered by the morning of Monday, Oct. 23 (unless you’re bringing them to the school that afternoon).

Please click to view the Amazon wishlist here

You don’t have to use Amazon — we just provide the wishlist for convenience. You can buy things elsewhere and drop them off in the donation box at XXXX , SPRINGFIELD, VA, 22152-1705, or at 4pm at the school on Oct. 23.

Delivery Volunteers needed – please sign up at our Sign Up Genius page to help us distribute the donations to the various break rooms!

***Students are welcome to earn volunteer hours for helping with delivery***

Please email our Teacher Appreciation Chair Elizabeth Diaz at if you have questions.

Thank you for your support of the PTSA and our teachers!

Now accepting applications for Scholarship for Success

The West Springfield High School PTSA offers a scholarship to a WSHS senior who has had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for at least two of their four years in high school, and who has overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or other school-related success. The number of scholarships is determined by the annual budget. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize the growth that a student has achieved throughout his/her high school career.

Applications Due: Friday, April 14, 2023 by 8 pm

For additional information and the application, please visit the PTSA Scholarships page