Teacher Appreciation Week: Help Needed

Teacher Appreciation Week:  Help Needed!

The PTSA of WSHS will be showing gratitude and appreciation for ALL the teachers and staff at our awesome high school.  We strive to recognize ALL TEACHERS AND STAFF as they have given so much effort to teach and guide our students. What can you do? We need parents and community members to donate individually prepared snacks and beverages. Please sign up to donate. THANK YOU!!! Sign Up Genius https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0549AAAA23A2FA7-stock  Amazon Wish List https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1LWHOWRZ8SLQE?ref_=wl_share

Call for Nominating Committee Members

We need at least 3 volunteers to form a nominating committee in preparation for elections later this spring. If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please contact Richard Ewell at wshsptsa@gmail.com The nominating committee will be elected at the April 11, 2021 membership meeting. Nominations for the Nominating Committee will be accepted from the floor at that time. Because the nominating committee handles the nomination of people for officer positions, you should not serve on the nominating committee if you intend to run for one of the officer positions.

Below is an excerpt from Article 6, Section 3 of our bylaws regarding the nominating committee:

#Section 3. Nominating committee:

a. Each member of the nominating committee must be a member of this local PTA/PTSA.

b. The nominating committee shall consist of three (3) members who shall be elected by

the members of this local PT A/PTSA at their regular general membership meeting at least

two (2) months prior to the election of officers. The committee shall elect its own


c. The nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled

and report its nominees to the members at a regular general membership meeting at least

thirty (30) days prior to the general membership election meeting. At the general

membership election meeting, additional nominations may be made from the floor.

d. Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve, if elected, shall be

nominated for or elected to such office.

Draft Bylaws for consideration at May membership meeting

The WSHS PTSA Bylaws were last approved in 2016 and need to be renewed this year. Therefore VP2 Maggie Ewell formed a bylaws committee comprised of Secretary April Duncan and VP1 Tricia Martin.

The committee took the Virginia state PTA (VAPTA) bylaws template for local councils, which was last updated in 2020, and used that to draft new bylaws.  In general, the VAPTA requires local units to follow the template and only deviate in a few areas where discretion is allowed.  

The draft bylaws are available for review at the link below.  Maggie has included comment bubbles explaining where those areas of discretion were exercised and has also highlighted the areas that are different from our current bylaws.  Our current bylaws are available on our website at Bylaws – WSHS PTSA

A big thank you to Maggie, Trish, and April for completing this work! If you have any questions about the draft bylaws, please feel free to e-mail Maggie at VP2@wshsptsa.net

Our current bylaws require any changes to the bylaws to be viewable for 30 days prior to the date on which they will be up for approval, so these draft bylaws were posted on our website on April 11 for a May 11 membership meeting.

Draft Bylaws 2021 – West Springfield High PTSA