(food and personal supplies)
The PTSA is pleased to support the work of the WSHS staff who have created and operate the WSHS Pantry.
The Pantry is a place where families in need can discreetly “shop” for free and pick up non-perishable food, personal hygiene items, and household supplies. Students will be accompanied by their school counselor, school social worker, or coordinators when they “shop” and every effort will be made to ensure their privacy. There are also forms outside of The Pantry door (Room 1053) that families can fill out and return to the locked drop box outside of the same door. We ask that all forms be dropped no later than Wednesday of the week so items can be gathered and ready for pick-up by Friday.
The Pantry Team:
- Tisa S. Frederick, Career Center Specialist (tsfrederick@fcps.edu)
- Anne Marie Colligan, Social Worker (amcolligan@fcps.edu)
- Rebecca Cousins, Work and Transition Teacher (RMCousins@fcps.edu)
- Lindsey Warren, WAT Teacher (lnwarren@fcps.edu)
Please contact Ms. Frederick or any member of the team if you have questions or would like additional information.