WSHS Parent-to-Parent Q&A Thursday Sept. 9 at 8pm (students welcome) [Cancelled: will be rolled into membership meeting on Sept. 14]

The PTSA is holding an informal virtual opportunity for parents and students to ask questions to other parents about WSHS. We’ll provide a few tips for things for parents and students to pay attention to, and then open it up for questions.

After the meeting we will post some of the questions and answers on our Facebook page at and our website to help those who couldn’t make the meeting.

Congratulations to retiring WSHS staff!

The PTSA wishes the following faculty and staff a happy and well-deserved retirement:

Alana Adams, SPED

Mary Halfhill, Student Services

Aleida Goetchius, Student Services

Billy Langloh, Security

Laura Goodman, English

Dr. Janet Hughes, Science

Officers elected for 2021-2022

The following officers were elected at the June membership meeting on June 8:

President – Richard Ewell (re-elected)

VP1 – Lauren Williams

VP2 – Maggie Ewell (re-elected)

Treasurer – Kristina Swatek (re-elected)

Secretary – April Duncan (re-elected)

Committee chair positions will be selected by the officers shortly.

PTSA Elections Meeting June 8 (includes panel for rising 9th grade parents)

The WSHS PTSA will hold its elections for officers on Tuesday, June 8 from 7:30pm to 8:30. The link to register for the Zoom meeting is:

Following the elections and other business, there will be a panel discussion of the transition from middle school to West Springfield HS. Parents of rising 9th graders are invited to attend!

The agenda for the meeting is available at

WSHS PTSA announces 2021 scholarship winners!

The West Springfield High School PTSA is pleased to announce the scholarship winners for 2021.  The winners were selected after a careful review by a PTSA scholarship committee of 7 or 8 people (one was recused for consideration of one scholarship).

The Scholarship for Success is awarded to recognize a senior who has overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or social success and to recognize the growth the student has achieved through his or her high school career.  The students who applied for the Scholarship for Success were truly amazing and all are to be congratulated and proud of their accomplishments.  The two students we are honored to recognize for the Scholarship for Success are Arslan Khan and Sophia Van Nederveen.  

The PTSA also offers the Spartan Scholarship.  The Spartan Scholarship is awarded to recognize graduating seniors who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, school spirit and community service.  The PTSA received many excellent applications this year and all of the applicants demonstrated strong qualities that will take them far.  The two students the PTSA is pleased to award the Spartan Scholarship to for 2021 are Adam Stewart and Alexandra Kowalski. 

PTSA Meeting Tuesday, May 11 at 7:30pm

How can WSHS students improve their college prospects, develop job skills and build their resumes this summer during pandemic times?  

Join special Guest Steven Myers, FCPS Service Learning Resource Teacher (and former WSHS counselor!) for an overview of the FCPS Service Learning program, summer internships and other work-based learning opportunities, and an update on general volunteer opportunities for students.

Registration link:

Teacher Appreciation Week: Help Needed

Teacher Appreciation Week:  Help Needed!

The PTSA of WSHS will be showing gratitude and appreciation for ALL the teachers and staff at our awesome high school.  We strive to recognize ALL TEACHERS AND STAFF as they have given so much effort to teach and guide our students. What can you do? We need parents and community members to donate individually prepared snacks and beverages. Please sign up to donate. THANK YOU!!! Sign Up Genius  Amazon Wish List