PTSA Membership Meeting Tuesday Sept. 14 t 7:30pm

Please join us for our first PTSA meeting of the year.

This meeting will be virtual. Use the link below to register to attend the meeting. Once you register you will receive a link to the Zoom.

At the meeting we will present a budget for approval and have a parent-to-parent Q&A session.

The agenda and other documents up for approval our posted on our website at

WSHS Parent-to-Parent Q&A Thursday Sept. 9 at 8pm (students welcome) [Cancelled: will be rolled into membership meeting on Sept. 14]

The PTSA is holding an informal virtual opportunity for parents and students to ask questions to other parents about WSHS. We’ll provide a few tips for things for parents and students to pay attention to, and then open it up for questions.

After the meeting we will post some of the questions and answers on our Facebook page at and our website to help those who couldn’t make the meeting.

Congratulations to retiring WSHS staff!

The PTSA wishes the following faculty and staff a happy and well-deserved retirement:

Alana Adams, SPED

Mary Halfhill, Student Services

Aleida Goetchius, Student Services

Billy Langloh, Security

Laura Goodman, English

Dr. Janet Hughes, Science

Officers elected for 2021-2022

The following officers were elected at the June membership meeting on June 8:

President – Richard Ewell (re-elected)

VP1 – Lauren Williams

VP2 – Maggie Ewell (re-elected)

Treasurer – Kristina Swatek (re-elected)

Secretary – April Duncan (re-elected)

Committee chair positions will be selected by the officers shortly.

PTSA Elections Meeting June 8 (includes panel for rising 9th grade parents)

The WSHS PTSA will hold its elections for officers on Tuesday, June 8 from 7:30pm to 8:30. The link to register for the Zoom meeting is:

Following the elections and other business, there will be a panel discussion of the transition from middle school to West Springfield HS. Parents of rising 9th graders are invited to attend!

The agenda for the meeting is available at