Dine at Milano’s and support the PTSA! Tuesday, March 11 from 4:00-9:00 pm.

Dine at Milano’s and support the PTSA! Tuesday, March 11 from 4:00-9:00 pm.
Purpose: The West Springfield High School PTSA offers a scholarship to at least one WSHS senior (sometimes more) who has had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for at least two of their four years in high school, and who has overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or other school-related success. The amount and number of scholarships is determined by the annual PTSA budget. Last year multiple awards of $500 were offered. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize the growth that a student has achieved throughout the student’s high school career.
Applications Due: Friday, April 4, 2025 by 8 pm.
For more info, visit: https://wshsptsa.net/programs/scholarships/
Dine at McAlister’s and support the PTSA! Tuesday, January 21 from 2:00-8:00 pm. For online orders, use promo code CHARITEA.
Saturday, Feb. 1, 9am (If you can’t make it on Feb. 1, e-mail us and we can try to work something out)
Visit the PTSA store to sign up!
Just to be clear: you can join the PTSA first at the same site, and then sign up for the practice test at the lower price! Membership has its benefits!
This is a PTSA fundraiser: all funds go to the PTSA.
Questions? e-mail us at wshsptsa@gmail.com
Dine at Yindee Thai and support the PTSA!
Sunday, November 17 – Saturday, November 23 lunch and dinner.
In order for the PTSA to get credit for online orders, you must use this link:
WSHS PTSA is participating in the National PTSA’s Reflections Art Program. WSHS students are invited to submit arts creations in various categories: Dance choreography, Film production, Literature, Music composition, Photography, Visual Arts. See the Reflections page for full details.
Please join SEPTA for our second IEP Palooza on Saturday, November 16th from 9:00am-12:30pm at Luther Jackson Middle School!
REGISTER HERE: www.tinyurl.com/SEPTAIEPPalooza2024
The event will include a simulated IEP meeting (with narration to draw attention to specific points), breakout sessions explaining the various parts of the IEP, and a resource fair to learn about community supports. Each breakout room will be hosted by a SEPTA board member and Fairfax County Public Schools staff member presenting as a team. We are thrilled that Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) will also join us to host two sessions in Spanish! This event is geared toward families, school staff, and students ages 14+.
The PTSA needs snack, coffee, drink donations AND Volunteers to help sort, deliver, and distribute items to the breakrooms. You can order on Amazon and they will ship directly to our teacher appreciation chairs.
All Orders should be delivered no later than THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24TH.
Join us October 21 and 22 (Mon/Tues) for a Restaurant Night at Asian Grill to support the WSHS PTSA. Dine-in or carry-out from 5:00-9:00pm.
6228 Rolling Road, Springfield VA
15% of all proceeds will go to the WSHS PTSA
Join us Friday, October 11 from 5:00-6:30 at Locals Tacos and Tequila for a PTSA social. No agenda, just a chance to meet and talk with other WSHS parents. You don’t have to be a PTSA member to join us (but if you’d like to join, click here). Hope to see you there!