Laura Whitton elected new PTSA President

The PTSA held elections on May 10 for new officers. Two new officers have joined the Board: Laura Whitton was elected President, and Meredith Stankiewicz will be the new Secretary. Maggie Ewell returns as VP2, and Richard Ewell is switching from President to Treasurer.

We are still looking for a VP1, so please contact us if you are interested!

PTSA Scholarship Applications available

The PTSA awards two types of scholarships: the Scholarship for Success for students with an IEP who have overcome obstacles, and a Spartan Scholarship for students who have made an impact on the school community.

Applications for those scholarships are due by 8pm on Monday, May 2nd.

Note that this year we are not requiring a letter of recommendation for either scholarship, but a transcript is required for the Spartan Scholarship to verify a G.P.A. of 2.5 or above.

For additional information about these scholarships and the application forms, please view our Scholarships page at

Virtual Practice SAT on April 23 (9am – 1pm)

Click here to register via our MemberHub site. Registration is free for WSHS PTSA members and $15 for others. There are two options for you to select: one “button” for PTSA members, and one for non-members. If you are not already a member, just sign up now and then you can sign up for the free version of the practice test. The options for joining the PTSA are separate “buttons” on the Memberhub site.


(All funds raised will go to WSHS PTSA)

NOTE: If you are interested in taking the practice test but unable to do so on that day or between 9am and 1pm, let us know and we can try to find an alternative test time.

If you have questions, please contact PTSA President Richard Ewell at

Membership meeting Tuesday March 15 at 7:30pm

Please join us for a virtual membership meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:30. Special guest Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity will join us to provide an update on Fairfax County Board of Supervisors activity.

The PTSA will also select a nominating committee to help identify candidates to run for officer positions for the 2022-23 school year.

Please use the link below to register for a link to the meeting:

February Membership Meeting 2/15 at 7:30pm

WSHS Career Counselor Tisa Frederick has re-scheduled to be able to join us this meeting to provide information about preparing for college or post-graduate careers.

The registration link is:

We also have several important documents up for membership approval: Bylaws, organizational document, and audit report. All of those documents are available for review on the main PTSA page at

Bring teachers and staff some mid-winter cheer (due Tuesday Feb. 1st)


It’s time to warm up the break rooms at WSHS with snacks, sweet treats, coffee, teas and more. We have almost 300 teachers and staff that we will be providing food for so let’s work together to fill it up!

Please sign up HERE or for simply order from our Amazon WISH LIST. 


will take place on Thurs, Feb 3 and Fri, Feb 4th.  

All FOOD! – FUN! – FEBRUARY!  items will need to be delivered to us by Tues, Feb 1st to allow time for organization and distribution

The teachers and staff LOVED when we filled the break rooms last year so let’s do it again and make 


a success again this year!

Sign Up Genius –

Amazon Wish List – WSHS Teacher & Staff Food Fun February

Questions?  Please contact us at

Chipotle fundraiser Wed. Jan. 19

Please help support the WSHS PTSA’s Chipotle fundraiser (see English and Spanish versions below):

Three important notes: (1) This is only at the Chipotle on Rolling Rd. (nearest the high school); (2) if you order in person, you must show the flyer below; (3) if you order online, you must use the code on the flyer at the time you input your order: DF4EFHB (you can’t just show the flyer when you show up to pick up the food). You enter the code in “Promo Code,” then select “Apply” and it should automatically replace the code with the word “Fundraiser.”

Click here to order online (don’t forget the code!)

